August 1, 2024

Get Ready to Make a Difference: September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is Almost Here!

As we approach the end of summer, we at MY SALON Suite are gearing up for a cause that’s close to our hearts—September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Every September, we partner with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a leading institution dedicated to treating and defeating pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Their incredible mission ensures that families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing, or food, allowing them to focus fully on helping their children live.


We believe that as a community of independent beauty and wellness entrepreneurs, we can make a powerful impact together. Now that September is just a month away, here’s how you can start preparing and planning to make September a month of hope, support, and meaningful contributions.


  1. Prepare Donation Jars
  • Place donation jars on your counter or retail shelves – a mason jar would be perfect!
  • Design eye-catching labels explaining the cause and encouraging clients to donate their spare change or decorate the jars yourself with red and yellow items, such as ribbons!
  • Share stories or facts about St. Jude’s mission to inspire generosity – we have print materials ready for you in the MY SALON Suite app!

donation jar for St. Jude









  1. Retail for a Cause
  • Select a few retail products and designate a portion of the proceeds to St. Jude.
  • Create special bundles or limited-edition items that highlight Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
  • Use signage and social media to promote these products and the cause they support.
  • Set up a donation link with Square!
    • Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Payment Links.
    • Click Create a link.
    • Select Accept a donation.
    • Enter a name for your link. This will be displayed to the custom

Member hosting a raffle at her suite!









  1. Host Fundraising Events
  • Organize special events like a cut-a-thon, nail-a-thon, or spa day where a percentage of the proceeds go to St. Jude.
  • Collaborate with fellow Members to host workshops, classes, or beauty nights with an entry fee that goes directly to the cause.
  • Offer raffles or silent auctions with donated products or services.

example of a raffle basket









  1. Spread Awareness Through Imagery
  • Decorate your suite with gold and red ribbons, the symbol of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
  • Use flyers to display information about St. Jude and the impact of donations.
  • Wear a yellow ribbon every day – and offer one to every person who donates! If you need ribbons, you can buy a bulk pack here!


  1. Engage Clients with Educational Materials
  • Provide info about St. Jude’s work and how clients can help.
  • Share stories of children and families who have been supported by St. Jude.
  • Use your social media platforms to share facts, statistics, and stories throughout September.


  1. Leverage Social Media
  • Create a social media campaign with the hashtag #StJudeMSS.
  • Share engaging content, such as videos, client testimonials, and live fundraising updates. We’ve created ready to go items, as well as templates here!
  • Utilize a Cash Calendar on your stories to easily raise 465 dollars! You can either mark out the day, or put a picture of each client who donates that amount on your IG story! We have ready made Cash Calendar IG stories ready for you to use! If you  do not know what a cash calendar is, you post the calendar and ask everyone you know to donate the corresponding amount for that day. (Example: the 1st would be $1.00 and the 15th would be $15.00)
  • Encourage clients to share their own posts about their experiences and why they support the cause.

cash calendar









  1. Offer Incentives
  • Provide discounts or special offers to clients who make a donation.
  • Create loyalty programs that reward clients for their contributions.
  • Host weekly drawings or giveaways for clients who participate.


  1. Plan Ahead
  • Order all necessary materials (donation jars, signage, retail products) in advance.
  • Schedule fundraising events and promotions on your calendar.
  • Set clear fundraising goals and track your progress throughout the month.

marking the calendar









  1. Thank Your Donors
  • Send personalized thank-you notes to clients who donate – or shout them out on your social media.
  • Create a “Thank You” wall in your suite or a IG highlight to recognize generous contributors – you could use a polaroid camera to highlight each client and their donation!
  • Share your fundraising success and express gratitude on social media.


We are here to help you fundraise every step of the way! Visit the MY SALON Suite App to find all the resources you will need this Sepetmber!

Let’s come together to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and make a difference in the lives of children fighting cancer. Your creativity, dedication, and passion can turn September into a month of hope and healing for countless families.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible community and for your commitment to making the world a better place, one service at a time.


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